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Is it safe to enjoy intercourse during that time of the month? Menstruation?

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Q: Can I have sex during my period?
A: Absolutely. The myth that it's dangerous or forbidden for women to have sex during menstruation originates from earlier times, when a woman's menstrual blood was accorded all sorts of powers. Some religions still forbid sexual contact (or contact of any kind) during menstruation, since the blood is seen as impure, among other reasons. Scientifically, however, there is no reason not to have sex during your period — and several good reasons to do so!

Reason number one is that orgasms are a natural painkiller. They cause the body to release endorphins and help to relieve muscle tension, making them an excellent treatment for cramps. Other typical period symptoms such as mild depression or irritability can be helped by orgasm too, since you get a feel-good boost from the endorphins as well as a general sense of relaxation. In addition, many women crave sex when they are menstruating, due to increased feelings of fullness in the pelvic and genital areas.
You can minimize the mess of sex during your period by waiting until your heavy-flow days have passed, putting down a small towel, or having sex in the shower. The key is to recognize that your menstrual flow is a bodily fluid like any other; there is no reason to be embarrassed or grossed out by it.
Just remember that safe sex is even more crucial during your period. A woman's risk of sexually transmitted disease and infection is higher than normal, since the cervix opens to allow blood to pass through, creating the perfect environment for bacteria to get deep inside the pelvic cavity. You are also more likely to pass on blood-borne diseases like HIV and hepatitis to a partner, and the vagina's pH is less acidic during this time, increasing the chances of a yeast or bacterial infection. Remember, too, there is still a chance you could become pregnant during your period, so this is another reason not to engage in unprotected sex!
As you can see, there is virtually no reason why you can’t enjoy sex during your period; however, if you are still hesitant to jump right in, consider these intimacy-building exercises that don’t include penetration:
Whateveryou do, just make sure you don’t let your period limit your intimateendeavors!



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